Thursday, October 13, 2011


What's done is done, now let's move on shall we?
Hmm. I'm talking to myself after my previous post.

Oh, you must read this:
Beautifully written, as always! :)

I feel sorted. You ask why?
Well because I finally understood chi-square and F test.
*adjusts nerdy specs*

My vella-panti days are coming to an end. The eye is getting better and you don't know how GLAD I am!
I slept so much in these 15 days, I think I completed the quota for the next 2 months.

I need to start living a "disciplined" life.
Ya I had nothing to do in the last two weeks so I made an agenda. I'm going to act all superstitious now and not blurt it out here.
I better follow it.
I also wrote a matrimonial ad for a friend which turned to be be pretty awesome :P

I'm sorry. I'll never complain about being loaded with work. Never ever.
These 15 days - was the universe's slap on my face. 


  1. I also wrote a matrimonial ad for a friend which turned to be be pretty awesome :P

    rofl. seriously?!
